Newentun's blog
domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020
Blog 9: Changes to my study programme
Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, which is a discipline of social sciences, and this means that it has a lot of subjects that points to the history of this. It has a lot of theoretical subjects, because that's the perspective of the career in this university, that the social work needs to be more investigative and not so practical. Because its a social science and mostly theory, we don't need a complex infrastructure or technology, like labs (at least not yet, because I'm in the second year). I really love the classrooms, because they are spacious and moderns (in some buildings), and the teaching method is basically speeches from the teachers, which I don't mind. Until now I only would change some subjects that are "in the air", I mean that there a few subjects that I think would be useful when I get graduated and get a job. I feel like there's a lot of things that in others universities teach but not here, because of the perspective that they have of social work, and I think that's okay, but I'm afraid of getting graduated, getting a job and not knowing what to do because nobody taught me what to do in real life, in that kind of social work that the teachers doesn't approve. I really hope that this fear doesn't make true and in the three years that I have left, I learn all of this haha.
Blog 8: Personal opinions
Hi everyone! Today we talk about our personal opinions 馃槉
What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?
I have a strong opinion about pets in general. I think that animals should be in their habitats , and I disagree with the breeding of breeds and buy animals. This is because the animals should not be a product and because breeding is an inhuman practice, that brings a lot of pain to the females of the race. The only way that having an "exotic pet" it's okay is if it's not a pet, but it's in a sanctuary and only because that animal it's unable to live in his own habitat.
What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal overpopulation?
Kill dogs or any animal because "there are too many" it's abominable. The dogs that live in the street need to be sterilized (if the overpopulation is a problem), take care of them and gave in adoption, not kill them.
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I think that everything depends on the drug and how much addictive is, but I think is most important to work in the education and the mental health of the people, because a lot of issues and consequences about the drugs doesn't come because of the drug but of the context of the person and his quality of life.
What is your opinion about cloning?
I think that is something interesting, and that it can be a good thing in some cases, like if a specie it's close to being extinct. In humans, I don't sure about the consequences and the uses, but I pretty sure it would end badly.
Blog 7: Animated Pixar character
Hello there! Today we talk about our favorite character of Disney or Pixar, which for me is Flik of the movie A bug's life. Flik is part of an ant colony, and is known because of his inventions (for good or bad) that a are esigned to help and improve the quality of life of the other ants, who are exploited by the grasshoppers. The ants collect food and the grasshoppers ate it, and this relationship was based on the fear that the ants have to them. By an accident, all the colony is in danger, and Flik offers to find a solution.
I like Flik because of this, in all the movie he tried his best to make the life of his people better, and even when a lot of people tried of getting him down, the most of the time he insisted because he knew that the things weren't right in the way it was. I really like one of the finals scenes, when Flik and Hopper (the leader of the grasshoppers) meet. Hopper comes with his speech justifying some sort of social-Darwinism, and even when almost kill him, Flik resists and open the eyes of his colony, showing that they are more than the grasshoppers and they deserve better. So in brief, one of my favorites characters of all time is Flik, because of his strength and his commitment to his people.

Blog 6: Postgraduate studies
Hello! today we talk about a postgraduate study that I would like to do. I haven't think of it so well but remembering the past blog about our dream job I have been thinking more about the future. I would like to take a postgraduate study about human and/or social rights, because I think that is something we need to work in Chile with people and organizations, and because I think that it would help me to work in what I want.
I would like to study in another country, a country that respects human rights in his history. This is because I don't think anyone can teach this here, because after all in our history we haven't seen justice, so there's no real example for us, landed to reality. But in another country where historically the rights of the people do respect (if there is one), and where the people and the teachers have lived in, they can teach by their practice and how their lives have been, and not only from their teory.
I would like to study in person because in that way I can speak with the people face to face and know their reality, not only what the teacher wants to say. I think that if a country like this exists, I really would love to study there.
mi茅rcoles, 1 de julio de 2020
Blog 5: My future job
Hello there! Today we're talking about my dream job. My dream job would be related to the career I'm studying, that is Social work. I don't like the idea of an office job, I would like to work on the field, in contact with the people. I would like to travel to the other regions of the country and to try to overcome the centralism that currently exists. I would like to see the reality of other places to be able to give the tools to the people that have problems, so they can work on it, at the same tima that I investigate about their issues.
About the money, I hope I can help my family with my salary, even if it's little, but if I find a job where I can help people and it's not well paid, probably I would take it anyway. I find more important the objective of the job than the money (but this idea probably changes when I get older).
I would like to specialize in child protection studies and public projects, which is what I think more work needs to be done in our country. I dream to work with people and children, and to encourage them to seek the guarantee of their social and human rights.
About the money, I hope I can help my family with my salary, even if it's little, but if I find a job where I can help people and it's not well paid, probably I would take it anyway. I find more important the objective of the job than the money (but this idea probably changes when I get older).
I would like to specialize in child protection studies and public projects, which is what I think more work needs to be done in our country. I dream to work with people and children, and to encourage them to seek the guarantee of their social and human rights.
lunes, 29 de junio de 2020
Blog 4: A darker shade of magic
Hi everyone! Today's topic is a book that I recommend. I always recommend Shades of magic, written by Victoria Elizabeth (V. E.) Schwab. This saga is from the fantasy genre, and the first book is A darker shade of magic.
The books are set in London, but in a universe where exist four dimensions, so there are four London's: the grey, the white, the red and the black. The black London is almost a myth, there's no connection with them.
The main character is Kell, who is an Antari, this means that he can travel between the dimensions. He is importante because not everyone can do this. Kell is from red London, where he works for the royal family being a messenger for them, and also smuggling objects to other dimensions. On a trip to grey London, he mets Lila Bard. She dreams with a good adventure, so she forces to take her with him.
I like this saga because the characters are very human, they can get corrupted by the power of the magic. They aren't perfect heroes. Also I like it because the idea of a world with magic is awesome.
(I really love the cover)
The books are set in London, but in a universe where exist four dimensions, so there are four London's: the grey, the white, the red and the black. The black London is almost a myth, there's no connection with them.
The main character is Kell, who is an Antari, this means that he can travel between the dimensions. He is importante because not everyone can do this. Kell is from red London, where he works for the royal family being a messenger for them, and also smuggling objects to other dimensions. On a trip to grey London, he mets Lila Bard. She dreams with a good adventure, so she forces to take her with him.
I like this saga because the characters are very human, they can get corrupted by the power of the magic. They aren't perfect heroes. Also I like it because the idea of a world with magic is awesome.
viernes, 5 de junio de 2020
Blog 3: Recommended movie
Hi everyone! today I'll write about a movie that I recommend (that is also one of my favorites movies): V for Vendetta. It's an adaptation of the comic books with the same name. The director of it is James McTeigue, and this was his debut movie, although he was assistant director of Matrix and collaborated in Sense 8.
The movie is set in a dystopic future in a totalitarian Britain, with a dark past that we get to know during the history progresses. The main characters are Evey (Natalie Portman) and V (Hugo Weaving). V is a masked man, who uses the mask of Guy Fawkes. This mask is world-renowned as a symbol since the comic came out (in protests and as Anonymous face).
V and Evey meet during the curfew and there is where history begins. With Evey, we accompany V in his plan, which is to motivate a revolution to free the people of his fascist government. I think I like this movie because of it, that V is so committed to his idea.
I think that everyone should see it, not only for the political discourse but also because it's a great movie in every way, like photography and performances. I have chills whenever I see it haha.
The movie is set in a dystopic future in a totalitarian Britain, with a dark past that we get to know during the history progresses. The main characters are Evey (Natalie Portman) and V (Hugo Weaving). V is a masked man, who uses the mask of Guy Fawkes. This mask is world-renowned as a symbol since the comic came out (in protests and as Anonymous face).
V and Evey meet during the curfew and there is where history begins. With Evey, we accompany V in his plan, which is to motivate a revolution to free the people of his fascist government. I think I like this movie because of it, that V is so committed to his idea.
I think that everyone should see it, not only for the political discourse but also because it's a great movie in every way, like photography and performances. I have chills whenever I see it haha.
mi茅rcoles, 27 de mayo de 2020
Blog 2: The best holidays ever
Today we talk about the best holidays ever. It was a trip of fourteen days with my mom to Per煤 and Bolivia in 2018. It's funny because, in the first place, we said "let's go to Arica" to visit the graveyard where my great-grandma was, and to visit the family. Then, we figured out that it was so close to Tacna, that we said: "why don't we go to Per煤?" because my mom was never out of the country. Short story, we saved money for some months, planned the trip and then take a plane to Lima. Then we take buses and met different places, specifically Cuzco, Puno, Tacna, and Arica. We were so stressed running to get to know everything, because we knew that it would be a lot of time before we could took a journey like that again.
It was the best holiday because I had a lot of time with my mom, visited a lot of beautiful places and ruins, I met the family that I didn't know and after this journey, and I felt a deeper connection with Latinoamerica. And, for a plus, I met a llama.
domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020
Blog 1: A country I'd like to visit
Hi everybody! Today I will tell you about what country I would like to go to. And it will be Italy, since I have distant relatives there, and I would love to meet them and also know the cities. In addition to this, I am interested in architecture and food (obviously). About Italy I know some things, like that it has more than 50 World Heritage Sites, and that the oldest university in the world is located there.
If I was in Italy the first thing I would like to do is eat jeje. Gelato (that is not the same as ice cream, by the way), pizza, and pasta would be things at the top of my list. Another thing I like to do is, besides meeting my relatives, would be to know all the cities that I can. I would love to live there because of the culture and to know more about the country, all of it is so interesting, the landscapes, the history. I love to know all of the world heritage sites and take pictures of everything.
Thanks for reading, I hope all of you are well <3
jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019
Blog 5: The story of a photograph
Today I want to tell you the story behind this photograph.
My dad never liked the cats, but for some reason, he adopted one like five years ago. The cat in the picture was a male cat named Miguel, I loved that cat and the weekends I sleep with him. I took this picture like four years ago before the wife of my dad gets pregnant, and there decided that the cat had to go. I was so sad because never seeing again. But then my grandma offers her to keep the cat until someone can take care of him. She doesn't like the cats too, but she and Miguel made great friends, until a friend of my dad take her word and tell us he could take care of the cat, and my grandma is so proud that she left the cat goes with him.
I like this picture because I loved Miguel, and he was a crazy cat that always bites me and everything, but he was nice.
jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019
Blog 4: Books
I wanted to talk today about books.
When I was little I save money to buy books. Classical, dystopia, trilogy, the books that then become a movie. I read a lot of romance histories, of the future and war. Not everything was just youth literature, but I have to admit I read it a lot.
This was when I have like fifteen years old, then I grow up and I started to refuse this kind of books because they were entertaining, but only that. I started looking at other genres, and the poetry and the science fiction (the old, like Verne or Bradbury) satisfied my need for reading.
Now that I'm here in the university, I can tell that having the habit of reading, made me the things easier. Even I lost a bit of practice because of the last two years I didn't have plenty of time, but I'm grateful that I never let my stop reading.
I wanted to talk today about books.
When I was little I save money to buy books. Classical, dystopia, trilogy, the books that then become a movie. I read a lot of romance histories, of the future and war. Not everything was just youth literature, but I have to admit I read it a lot.
This was when I have like fifteen years old, then I grow up and I started to refuse this kind of books because they were entertaining, but only that. I started looking at other genres, and the poetry and the science fiction (the old, like Verne or Bradbury) satisfied my need for reading.
Now that I'm here in the university, I can tell that having the habit of reading, made me the things easier. Even I lost a bit of practice because of the last two years I didn't have plenty of time, but I'm grateful that I never let my stop reading.
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Blog 9: Changes to my study programme
Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, wh...
Hi! My favorite piece of technology is my camera. It was my gift for my birthday when I get the age of sixteen. It’s a pink semiprofession...
My dream, when I was a child, was to be a painter. I wanted to become an artist, but then my view of the world changed, I wanted to not only...