domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020

Blog 8: Personal opinions

Hi everyone! Today we talk about our personal opinions 😊

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?
I have a strong opinion about pets in general. I think that animals should be in their habitats , and I disagree with the breeding of breeds and buy animals. This is because the animals should not be a product and because breeding is an inhuman practice, that brings a lot of pain to the females of the race. The only way that having an "exotic pet" it's okay is if it's not a pet, but it's in a sanctuary and only because that animal it's unable to live in his own habitat.

What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal overpopulation?
Kill dogs or any animal because "there are too many" it's abominable. The dogs that live in the street need to be sterilized (if the overpopulation is a problem), take care of them and gave in adoption, not kill them. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I think that everything depends on the drug and how much addictive is, but I think is most important to work in the education and the mental health of the people, because a lot of issues and consequences about the drugs doesn't come because of the drug but of the context of the person and his quality of life.

What is your opinion about cloning?
I think that is something interesting, and that it can be a good thing in some cases, like if a specie it's close to being extinct. In humans, I don't sure about the consequences and the uses, but I pretty sure it would end badly.

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