miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Blog 5: My future job

Hello there! Today we're talking about my dream job. My dream job would be related to the career I'm studying, that is Social work. I don't like the idea of an office job, I would like to work on the field, in contact with the people. I would like to travel to the other regions of the country and to try to overcome the centralism that currently exists. I would like to see the reality of other places to be able to give the tools to the people that have problems, so they can work on it, at the same tima that I investigate about their issues.

About the money, I hope I can help my family with my salary, even if it's little, but if I find a job where I can help people and it's not well paid, probably I would take it anyway. I find more important the objective of the job than the money (but this idea probably changes when I get older).

I would like to specialize in child protection studies and public projects, which is what I think more work needs to be done in our country. I dream to work with people and children, and to encourage them to seek the guarantee of their social and human rights.

1 comentario:

  1. I hope we will be coworkers in the future like in university. I think you will be a great social worker.


Blog 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, wh...