domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate studies

Hello! today we talk about a postgraduate study that I would like to do. I haven't think of it so well but remembering the past blog about our dream job I have been thinking more about the future. I would like to take a postgraduate study about human and/or social rights, because I think that is something we need to work in Chile with people and organizations, and because I think that it would help me to work in what I want.

I would like to study in another country, a country that respects human rights in his history. This is because I don't think anyone can teach this here, because after all in our history we haven't seen justice, so there's no real example for us, landed to reality. But in another country where historically the rights of the people do respect (if there is one), and where the people and the teachers have lived in, they can teach by their practice and how their lives have been, and not only from their teory.

I would like to study in person because in that way I can speak with the people face to face and know their reality, not only what the teacher wants to say. I think that if a country like this exists, I really would love to study there.

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Blog 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, wh...