lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: A darker shade of magic

Hi everyone! Today's topic is a book that I recommend. I always recommend Shades of magic, written by Victoria Elizabeth (V. E.) Schwab. This saga is from the fantasy genre, and the first book is A darker shade of magic.
(I really love the cover)

The books are set in London, but in a universe where exist four dimensions, so there are four London's: the grey, the white, the red and the black.  The black London is almost a myth, there's no connection with them.

The main character is Kell, who is an Antari, this means that he can travel between the dimensions. He is importante because not everyone can do this. Kell is from red London, where he works for the royal family being a messenger for them, and also smuggling objects to other dimensions. On a trip to grey London, he mets Lila Bard. She dreams with a good adventure, so she forces to take her with him.

I like this saga because the characters are very human, they can get corrupted by the power of the magic. They aren't perfect heroes. Also I like it because the idea of a world with magic is awesome.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Blog 3: Recommended movie

Hi everyone! today I'll write about a movie that I recommend (that is also one of my favorites movies): V for Vendetta. It's an adaptation of the comic books with the same name. The director of it is James McTeigue, and this was his debut movie, although he was assistant director of Matrix and collaborated in Sense 8.

The movie is set in a dystopic future in a totalitarian Britain, with a dark past that we get to know during the history progresses. The main characters are Evey (Natalie Portman) and V (Hugo Weaving). V is a masked man, who uses the mask of Guy Fawkes. This mask is world-renowned as a symbol since the comic came out (in protests and as Anonymous face).

V and Evey meet during the curfew and there is where history begins. With Evey, we accompany V in his plan, which is to motivate a revolution to free the people of his fascist government. I think I like this movie because of it, that V is so committed to his idea.

I think that everyone should see it, not only for the political discourse but also because it's a great movie in every way, like photography and performances. I have chills whenever I see it haha.

Blog 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, wh...