miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Blog 2: The best holidays ever

Today we talk about the best holidays ever. It was a trip of fourteen days with my mom to Perú and Bolivia in 2018. It's funny because, in the first place, we said "let's go to Arica" to visit the graveyard where my great-grandma was, and to visit the family. Then, we figured out that it was so close to Tacna, that we said: "why don't we go to Perú?" because my mom was never out of the country. Short story, we saved money for some months, planned the trip and then take a plane to Lima. Then we take buses and met different places, specifically Cuzco, Puno, Tacna, and Arica. We were so stressed running to get to know everything, because we knew that it would be a lot of time before we could took a journey like that again.

It was the best holiday because I had a lot of time with my mom, visited a lot of beautiful places and ruins, I met the family that I didn't know and after this journey, and I felt a deeper connection with Latinoamerica. And, for a plus, I met a llama.

PS: Sad story. I had a lot of photos of the trip, but they were on my old computer and it broke, so I only have the photos that my mom took:(

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

Blog 1: A country I'd like to visit

Hi everybody! Today I will tell you about what country I would like to go to. And it will be Italy, since I have distant relatives there, and I would love to meet them and also know the cities. In addition to this, I am interested in architecture and food (obviously). About Italy I know some things, like that it has more than 50 World Heritage Sites, and that the oldest university in the world is located there.

If I was in Italy the first thing I would like to do is eat jeje. Gelato (that is not the same as ice cream, by the way), pizza, and pasta would be things at the top of my list. Another thing I like to do is, besides meeting my relatives, would be to know all the cities that I can. I would love to live there because of the culture and to know more about the country, all of it is so interesting, the landscapes, the history. I love to know all of the world heritage sites and take pictures of everything.

Thanks for reading, I hope all of you are well <3

Blog 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, wh...