jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Blog 1: My autobiography: Who am I?

I was born in Santiago of Chile and lived in there my whole life. I have lived in four different districts of Santiago, but the first one was Conchalí. I lived there my childhood with my parents, then they broke up and I lived with my dad and grandmother for a couple of years, then lived with my mom. 

I don't complete my elementary in only one school, I go to five different schools: Language school San Vicente de Paul, Colegio Cristobal Colón, Liceo Manuel de Salas, and then go back to Cristobal Colón. I ended up the high school there the past year. 

I have three brothers, one is the son of my mom and two of them are of my dad. They are my little brothers, I'm the oldest and I take care of them every time I can. But with the university, I don't have the time that I have before so it's a little more difficult to be with them.

This year I  Social work because I always liked social science, the idea of helping to make the world a little better for the people who don't have anything. 

My hobbies are read books of politics, paint in different techniques, take photos in the street to people or in manifestations, eat but not cooking, because I don't know how (one day I will learn).

Blog 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi there! Today we talk about the program of the career that we are studying and the things that we would change it. I study social work, wh...